Aromatherapy Scent Pendant

{Packaging, Product, Manufacturing & Branding}

Aromatherapy jewelry for your car and other small spaces.

Packaging & Product Design

*Hand-made prototype

Custom ceramic scent load with custom lavender essential oils. Meant for small spaces.


Project Brief: Fragrance jewelry for the car. Scented with EVA fragrance or ceramic insert with essential oils. Hang from rearview mirror at legal length. Fragrance is easy to refill. Cost effective but elegant and fun.

Product Protoypes

Prototypes were based on sketches and market research inspiration. The team decided to go with the with an inexpensive piece sourced from china to reduce costs (see below) rather than making something new. However, a variety of options were explored first.

Packaging Prototypes

Multiple forms of packaging were explored before landing on the final design. Pictured is initial packaging ideas that were eliminated due to cost and decision to eliminate plastic from the packaging.

Final Packaging Artwork

Brand Illustration style is simple and clean graphics to show use.

Brand logo stickers to seal package and eliminate glue.

Insert holds a bottle and the scent pendent without a couple of glue dots to hold things in place. Brand pattern of bell shaped flowers adds interest to the insert.

Bottle art done withe laser print. Gold caps add a rich quality.

Prototype of refill packaging to match the style of the original box

This product is for sale on many e-commerce platforms that I also helped design for.

Check them out!


FlashScent Essential Oil Diffuser


Aeron Brand/ Website